Plea for a modern workforce
Visit by the President of the Chamber of Labor to Kässbohrer in Eugendorf
The AK President Peter Eder and the CEO of Kässbohrer, Markus Guggenbichler, not only share a common apprenticeship in the Salzburg aluminum industry and growing up in working-class families. In fact, both see a modern workforce in a changing economy and society as a particularly important factor, as it is not just a matter of maintaining skills and know-how in many very different manual professions. Values such as reliability, down-to-earthness and loyalty to the company also have their origins in the traditional labor movement and are also a very important connecting element in modern working environments.
Across Austrian industry as a whole, the number of blue-collar and white-collar workers is currently fairly balanced, with differences depending on the sector, of course. It is important that further progress is made in the framework conditions and that mutual understanding and appreciation for the respective professions and occupational groups are promoted accordingly in an economy based on the division of labor. The challenges will not diminish in the future either, keyword Industry 4.0, global competition, etc. Qualified employees and a good and sustainable relationship between the workforce and the company are essential to overcoming challenges. There was also a great deal of agreement between the two discussion partners on this.